Saturday, April 09, 2005

wow, I'm overwhelmed

All of the responses touched me. Kathy, I particularly appreciate your viewpoint, because it's one I haven't imagined or experienced. Thank you so much for taking time to write to me.

All of you gave me much food for thought. It's hard to teach children spirituality when I can't find my own way. Funny though, I am comforted when I am in church and not just during Mass. If I am in the building I feel a peace like I find nowhere else. But I don't know how to tranlate that into every day connection with God or higher power or whomever. And I certainly don't know how to transfer it to my kids, though I've explained how I feel.

CCD is back on the table for me. I feel that I cannot decide on my own that the kids shouldn't have a religious education. I like the idea (thanks, Trinker) of having an honest discussion with them about what my views are. They know some of them since they read the Boston papers along side of me and know about the situation in Boston diocese. But I think it is worth talking about more and letting them know that while I'm ambivalent, I can't rule it out. I think particularly it would be good to let them know how I feel myself when I'm in church; like I've found a connection although not thru the words, or the man on the altar.


Blogger Grace said...

Hmm, I think Trinker is right. They'll get more from you being open with them than going through the motions?

5:21 AM  
Blogger Politically Homeless said...

The fact that you've done so much soul searching about this says a lot about you. I think you're on the right track!

11:03 PM  
Blogger Kathy said...

Many of us who are conflicted are searching, which means we may analyze what we are taught and see if it makes sense.

I know many cradle Catholics who really don't know much about their faith at all, it is converts and others who question what is right that explore what they hear and what they are taught and I believe that doing that makes you a better teacher.

I wish you the best of luck in your journey.

10:35 AM  

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