I've got to post sooner in the evening...
or this will never be more than a series of one paragraph blogs.
Hi RJ, thanks for posting and checking to see if I was here. As you can see, I failed miserably over the holidays but I'm giving it another go.
Day 4 is over. I had some strong arguments with my addictive self but managed to overcome them. Had intended to go to an AA meeting tonight but my youngest son needed to make a trip to the doctor's. He banged up his leg last week sledding and the swelling hadn't gone down, nor his limp. He's fine, just a deep bruise, says the doctor. In any event, I made it to my online recovery group chat (a secular one, which I like) and that helped make the addictive self go away.
Took down my Christmas tree and I am now exhausted. I collected ornaments for years and now I wonder why. I'm beginning to feel Christmas should be cut back to every other year as I know that I will be putting the damn thing up again before I know it.
Need to sleep, busy today tomorrow.
Faith, try hitting RELOAD (Ctrl-R). Namenlosen Trinker
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