Friday, May 13, 2005

Day 12 still sober

hi all: still sober on day 12 and it's a Friday night. Woo hoo. Instead of my usual Friday wine a thon, I played Scrabble with my 8 year old son and 12 year old daughter. They are both pretty good--my brain girl can play as well as me (and like Dumbledore said "that's saying something"). My 8 year old is much improved and blew me away by how fast and accurately he could add up scores. So much more fun than drinking.

I am lucky not to have been too troubled by cravings today. Nonetheless, I'm sticking to the Antabuse for the foreseeable future.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Job Red Head...Im with Faith...whatever it takes and this is working for you CONGRATULATIONS!!!

9:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just checking in to see where you are :)

8:44 AM  

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