Happy New Year!!

I awoke after sleeping late refreshed and not hungover and what a blessing that is. I am so grateful.
Last night, I had the privilege of speaking with my group at an alkathon. Thank heavens we were one of the early groups...I don't think I could have made it in the wee hours. I used to be so uncomfortable speaking at meetings and now it doesn't seem hard at all. I just say a little prayer that whatever I say might be useful to someone. I get good feedback so I guess I do alright. What a great way to end my first sober calendar year.
After the alkathon, my husband and I met up with some friends and went to a party. I only stayed for an hour or so and then went home to be with my kids and a couple of their friends that were sleeping over. Historically, my husband has stayed behind at this party and gotten shit faced with the guys. Much to my surprise, he arrived home shortly before the ball dropped and celebrated with us and our sparkling cider. My sons and their friends took pots and pans and banged them out on the front lawn to celebrate. It was truly fun and a blessing to be there and be sober. (Right now, the kids are engaged in the most competitive game of Risk I've ever seen..they haven't even expressed an interest in breakfast yet...for teenage and tweenage boys, this is amazing. My teenage daughter is still sleeping...too exhausting being in charge of her brothers and their friends for a few hours last night, I guess.)
I can't believe it's 2008. When I was a kid, I remember calculating how old I'd be in various years in the future and the 2000's seemed an eternity away. How the hell did it get to be 2008 so fast?? I'm thinking of leaving the Christmas stuff up because it will be back in ten minutes, lol.
Today I'm grateful for:
A whole calendar year (and many days on top of that) of hangover free mornings
That I find comfort in being part of the fellowship, as well as personal growth
That my husband didn't get drunk last night. He's not an alcoholic, but it still is hard for me to be around someone abusing alcohol
For a clear and beautiful day today
That I don't have to resolve to get sober in 2008 (though I do have to resolve to lose weight; some things never change, after all!)
Happy New Year to you as well! Your evening sounds wonderful. My first sober New Year was spent eating lobster and watching Season 1 of Dexter. Wanted to go to my meeting but my husband was feeling left out. Its all about balance isn't it. Thank you again so much for being here and helping to lead me to this wonderful world of sober blogdom. I will be forever grateful.
happy new year!
thanks for yr inspiring blog, it gives me hope!
enjoy 08!
: )
Sounds like it was a wonderful evening. I just enjoyed my first sober NYE and look forward to many more. I am so glad I came across your blog. It was a good beginning to my journey. I hope you have a wonderful year. You deserve it.
Happy new year to you!!
sounds good to me :)
can you really have a spouse that still drinks? i am having a hard time with the resentment I feel that they still "get to" drink...any suggestions?
Happy (belated!) New Year, sweetie!!! It's so good to see you doing so well. You have been one of my inspirations these last almost-nine months. We waited too late to get cider, but did find some sparkling organic pear juice that was WONDERFUL to toast in 2008. Hubby and I were the only ones excited about staying up that late, and we were the only ones who kissed (my weird family, LOL!). Anyway... Happy, healthy 2008!!!
I Hope your January has been a good one. Are you snowed in?
Are you still out there? Hope all is well.
My friend, I just wanted to thank you again for being there for me one year ago today...I hope all is going well for you. xo
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