Tuesday, May 24, 2005

day 23

Still treading the sober path here. Feel pretty darn good actually. The only cravings I have been getting have been sort of advance cravings about my sister's wedding coming up and the events associated with that. It will be a big drinking crowd.

Even typing that my addictive voice stirs. I am trying very hard to think the events through. To imagine myself getting through them just fine without drinking. As I think I wrote here before, the wedding and the parties will go off as planned whether I drink or not. Why do I feel I will need to have anything but seltzer in my hand? Why not see what happens and what kind of time I have without drinking instead of listening to my addictive voice tell me I can't have a good time if I don't drink. He has no proof, he's never done it before!!!

I have also gotten off my diet somewhat. I was doing South Beach but I've been cutting myself some slack on the eating given that I want to focus on the not drinking. So I will be a matronly matron of honor, I guess. I have been doing yoga and treadmill the last few nights and want to get into a regular routine with that. Better to exercise during the witching hour than crave a drink.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great job Red!!!

We are soo proud of you. You are right about not drinking at the wedding. When I first got sober I had about 20 days when I had to go to my 1st family function.

I plotted out the nearest meeting in case I had to leave. I sat with family memebers who didn't drink and I had a great time.

By the end of the night I had the most fun watching all the other people who were drunk who never even knew I didnt even have a sip. When we did the toast, I just turned my toast glass upside down before they came to pour, I made sure it stayed that way too...just for precautions..lol.

9:38 PM  
Blogger Phyllis said...

Wow! 23 days. That is an accomplishment. The first three months are the real challenge.
Hang in there. Do you go to a fellowship to help you in sobriety?
I was sober a month before I realized I wanted to be really serious about it, so I went to an AA meeting. At first I forced myself there and took everybody elses inventory and told myself I wasn't like them at all. Well next month will be 18 years of a wonderful sober life. I still go to AA meetings weekly and love my life! Stick around for the miracles!

10:06 PM  

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