Saturday, May 21, 2005

Saturday night

It's Saturday night and I'm sober and a little at loose ends. I don't mind being sober; I just feel like I'm not sure quite what to do with myself. My husband's away and I was with the kids. I went to my son's soccer game, got some paint samples for the bedroom. It started to rain so I couldn't do my gardening as planned. (It has been raining every weekend all spring here in New England. Grrr. ) So I splashed some paint on the bedroom wall to see if I liked the colors. Knowing me, those splotches will be there for a year before we actually paint!

I built a fire, I did the laundry. The kids had some friends over, so I did read by the fire a little and then did a yoga video. I made chicken for dinner, I watched a stupid movie "Dodgeball" with the kids (they loved it). Then mixed a cake up and put the kids to bed. The cake is baking and I'm wondering whether to go to bed after it's done or watch Lindsay Lohan host Saturday night live (morbid fascination here...she seems to be going down the party tube very quickly.)

Anyway, if I were drinking I wouldn't have done half of that. Funny, the day goes a bit more slowly without that bottle or two of wine.

Hey lookie! I finally figured out how to link to the blogs I read!! It will take me awhile to add them all, however!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear you about the rain. I cannot possibly take anymore rain....aarrgghh.

You got a ton of things done around the house, spent time with the kids and even did a few things for you, including staying sober..Great job

Congrats on figuring out the links to. All this html code can be a pain in the butt sometimes, but its exciting when we figure it out!!

10:40 AM  
Blogger Grace said...

Wey hey, well done, 20 days today? Sounds like a productive day. I'm getting more productive but still havent axed the wine on the weekend evenings :-( You inspire me though!

11:56 AM  
Blogger Trudging said...

You are on the right track. Keep up the good work and keep on Blogging. T

5:58 PM  

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