Thursday, December 29, 2005

How does your higher power speak to you?

I went to a meeting last night and there was lots of gratitude and lots of thanking the HP. No offense to anyone, certainly not the people at the meeting, but it all sounded like everyone had a script that said the same thing.

So how does your HP speak to you, really? Tonight, I found a dollar bill on my dashboard as I was thinking about drinking. I thought HP, if I had one, might be telling me I should go to a meeting. Then I thought I'm dead, because I can't go to a meeting tonight, without a sitter.

What are the signs? How do you know you are not just making it up in your head?


Blogger Phyllis said...

We cannot teach stuff like that. It comes on it's own. There is a saying (there are MANY sayings)in AA: 'Fake it til you make it'.
Sometimes just a 'feeling' comes through. Sometimes it is in a form of a dream, just open your heart and observe everything around you. Pray often, while you are driving, before bed, in the morning. Pray like you are having a conversation with Him. After awhile it will come automatically and you will feel more comfortable with it. Try and find a sponsor at the meeting and be open with her and tell her everything you are feeling. If you don't like the first sponsor, find another one. Let her know your frustrations about the 'higher power'.
Good luck to you. I'll pray for you!

1:01 AM  
Blogger dAAve said...

I have had 3, maybe 4, moments since I began praying that I knew my HP was "speaking" to me. Not anything verbally. But just as clear and strong as someone speaking loudly to my face. The messages I have received this way were abundantly clear to me, so clear as to leave no doubt what to do. These were concepts that I knew nothing about before prayer. They have made a believer of me in A Power Greater Than Myself.

9:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year's Eve!

7:04 PM  
Blogger R J Adams said...

I have a Higher Power, Redhead Gal. He's called Nathan. I don't pray; I don't even believe in 'God', in the Christian sense. In fact, if you've ever read my blog you'll know I'm very anti hierarchical religion. Nathan is not a god; not divine even. He is me - my Higher Self. Of course, he's got a bit more common sense than me because he's risen a bit further 'up the ladder', so to speak, which makes him very useful when I need a bit of helpful advice, or even just companionship when I'm lonely. Call it imagination if you will, but have you ever stopped to ask yourself just what imagination is, and where all those ideas and mind pictures come from? Don't assume it's 'made up'. You can't make something from nothing - they all come from somewhere. You have a Higher Self. Try spending a little time getting to know her (or him). You might be surprised. Happy New Year, Redhead Gal.

11:26 PM  
Blogger Anna said...

First let me say welcome home fellow AA. My sober day is Jan 1 also I just got my 10 year. My God speaks to me deep within my gut. The voices and sometimes silences in my head can be so misleading. I have found that since I have been sober my gut intuition has never been wrong and that is where that still small voice of God is for me. Good luck on your sober adventures.

1:43 PM  

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