Wednesday, August 30, 2006


I was away this past weekend for a wedding, Interesting. I'm glad I was on the Antabuse or I would have drank for sure. (Not sure if I posted that I am back on Antabuse.)

I think my sister in law (whom we stayed with) may be heading down the path that I've been on. We arrived around 3 PM or so and she offered us drinks twice despite the rather early hour. She seemed disappointed that no one wanted to start drinking immediately. She drank quite a bit in the course of the evening and referenced her own drinking quite a bit (she's fine with having lots of houseguests as long as there is plenty of booze in the house, she told me several times how she relaxes with her book and her wine at 5 PM on her porch each night, she is sure her recent weight gain isn't due to the two (just two!) glasses of wine she has each evening, she needs the wine to destress). We went shopping on Sunday and got home around 1 PM. She was surprised that our husbands hadn't "cracked the seal" and started drinking by then. That evening, at the wedding, which was at a country club, the ceremony didn't take place until a half hour after the stated starting time, and no booze was served during this wait. She remarked on this several times. She drank quite a bit at the wedding as well.

I dunno. Maybe it's just me being hyper sensitive to alcohol since I was only on day 8. (Day 11 now.)

The wedding was nice but with a very long cocktail hour and I was bored stiff. I didn't know anybody besides my husband's family and the groom. Although I chatted with a few other guests, I was just bored and my feet hurt. I must admit I missed being able to have a drink to make me more sociable. But it's never just one drink and I'm sure I would have been plowed by the time dinner was served if I'd been drinking.

The dinner was nice and the music was good and I was able to have some fun dancing. (My husband was very impatient with me at first--he'd had a few drinks and was ready to boogie. It's hard for me to want to dance without a few drinks in me first. But I eventually got in the mood even without booze--I mean, one has to dance to "Love Shack" at a wedding, right? What did people dance to before Love Shack was written, I wonder?) The evening was over relatively early--around 10:30--much to my relief.

I think the bottom line for me is that I need to steer clear of these boozy events as much as I can if I'm to stay sober. I just don't find a lot of fun in them, at least events where I don't really know many people very well. They make me want to drink.

Today I am grateful for:

Another hangover free morning

A good night's sleep

That I didn't drink this weekend

That it's Wednesday and there is a long weekend coming up


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a good post Redhead Gal.
I am glad you want to stay clear of booze enduced events.I never did understand why weddings are so grossly infused by alcohol?!
Hubby and I did not have any alcohol served at our wedding and it was great:)Everyone had fun.
Here's wishing you serenity for another sober day:)
Thanks for sharing~

10:28 AM  
Blogger Trudging said...

Glad that you stayed sober.

12:13 PM  
Blogger JennaM said...

Some day, if you're up to it, would you post something about being in a "mixed marriage"? I'm on the other side of an addict/non-addict marriage, and I'd love to hear about what is helpful/not helpful to you in your spouse's behavior/attitude.

Great hearing about your success at the wedding.

Wishing you all good things,


3:51 PM  
Blogger dAAve said...

Glad you chose not to slip.
One great tool to use in these situations is to have an "out". A wya to leave when you're not at ease. I realize you were with your husband but he needs to know when you're ready to leave. Maybe some type of compromise.
But, as you said, steering clear is the best thing whenever possible.

7:31 PM  
Blogger Pam Jarnagin said...

You are doing SO great!! Glad to see how strong you were, even in the face of so much outright temptation (Antabuse or not).

I think you're right about needing to stay clear of venues where not only the booze is flowing freely, but where those circumstances exist that normally would cause us to drink (I relate to the uncomfortable social situation scenario). At least for a while. I don't know how long we need to avoid them, or when we start losing that urge to drink when we're in one.

I doubt you're being hypersensitive about your sister-in-law. I think being an alcoholic makes a person more AWARE of the signs in others, so maybe that's what's going on, as you suspect.

8:41 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Glad you made it thru. That can be some hard stuff especially at day 8. Congrats on day 11. Keep it comin!

11:25 PM  
Blogger JJ said...

Glad you stayed sober too.
I see you,

5:57 AM  
Blogger Gooey Munster said...

The last wedding I was at I too did not drink. Mitch and I had a great time sober. I can be around alcohol as such this time in my recovery, but during the beginning days it sure would have tested my commitment.

I don't think you were being hyper sensitive to alcohol by observing someone's behavior. We have a different understanding of the effects of alcohol and one that is an alcoholic. I am sensitive to this but think it is ok.

Congrats on your new sobriety. Thank you for sharing your thoughts during this experience. Have a great sober weekend.

12:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read your blog way back when and have put you on my favorites list. I thought I'd check in to see how you're doing. Congradulations on keeping up the good fight.

10:10 AM  

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