Checking In

Well, I've finished my Christmas shopping, the decorations are up, the cards are mailed, the roast beast has been ordered.
The little bastard that is my addictive voice has been squeaking at me about how he thinks that I could have just one glass of red wine with Christmas dinner, maybe a Grand Marnier afterwards. What a joke! Like I ever wanted one glass of anything. I am determined to stay sober through this holiday season and the new year. It's over, LB. Give it up already.
Today I am grateful for:
Nearly four months of hangover free mornings
Having the aforesaid holiday tasks completed
Christmas cards I receive in the mail, especially photos of children. It's amazing how they grow so fast.
That my Dad will be with me to celebrate Christmas. We didn't think he'd make it back in September.
That I am able to squelch the LB
You can balance out that little voice when you "play the tape" of the consequences.
Hey Mrs. Beasley was sober when I had her. Their is a picture of me at 3 or 4 with her
Hey, if ya want, I can come over and kick LB's ass for you, if you promise to do the same for me when my Evil Voice returns (as I'm sure she will at some point).
You sound FANTASTIC!!!! I'm so freakin' proud of you! I remember a post you wrote once (a long time ago) where you dreaded reaching the 90 day mark because you were afraid you'd relapse. That didn't happen this time, girlfriend!! That was back in the day. And you're right. IT IS OVER!!
Congrats on four months that's awesome. that voice never goes away but there are many tools available to keep it quiet. Keep on keeping on, one day at a time.
All best wishes for a wonderful Christmas, Redhead Gal. You certainly deserve it.
Oh how sneaky that LB can be. They play dirty don't they. No more, not this year!
You have so many blessings this year, your sobriety, your dad and your inpsiration to others.
Muah, happy Holidays!!!!
You sound great Red..keep trudging.
Four months is a great start on your new sober reading what you share here.
Thanks for being you:)
Yay for four months!
Great posts!
The Holidays are difficult, but you can get through it without the booze! You are doing just great, and try not to be around others that are drinking. Sometimes it is just impossible, but stay a smelling distance away. I have been sitting at the table and the person next to me pours a glass of wine and I can smell it and my saliva glands start flowing, and I grab my water and gulp it down. What really pisses me off is the ones that leave half a glass!! GOOD GRIEF!
Ya that alcoholic voice that says...just one drink..
My sober voice THANK GOODNESS has become much louder and just laughs at that liar!
Stopping in to wish you a warm and humble Christmas with all the goodies on top!
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