7 Months Today

Today is seven months sober for me. It seems like a miracle, really. When I started this blog, and even before, I was stopping and starting, and never seemed to amass any time. Today, I feel strong and like I am finally on the right path.
Today I am grateful for:
Seven months of no hangovers
All the support I have received in my recovery from AA, LifeRing, and others
For managing to stick to my diet today
For the first day of spring tomorrow (it IS tomorrow, isn't it?)
No hangovers - better than anything else.
As we get older, they get worse and worse. Yuck!
Well done
Congratulation for seven months sober. I shared your happiness, for sticking to your diet and Spring.
Way to go RG.
7 months!!! Congratulations :) Today is the first day of spring. Thanks for always sharing, no matter what is going on in your life. You are a power of example and Im glad Ive been along for the journey :)
congrats! i am so proud of you and sitting at day 11, I am envious. you have inspired me today! thank you!
Hey Redhead
7 months rocks. It really does.
Thinking of you. Keep on keepin' on, hon.
awesome.. you rock girl..
Lucky 7 !
I don't know why I've never stopped by before...but I'm so glad I did today! (Him guiding me again)
So from one 'red-head gurl' to another ...WAY TO GO on seven months !!! That is awesome and amazing, and so are YOU!
7 mos is great!!
hangovers suck....the older I got the worse they were.
You keep on "keepin on"! YAY!!! for 7 months and YOU!
congrats on 7 mos!!! YAY! Keep comin' back!
Oh well done you, fantastic achievement! And it certainly feels like Spring here!
Congrads on 7 months. Keep coming Back
Hugs and kisses
Message From Noor
I'm sorry, Michael. I'm in a Cyber Cafe in town right now. I can't get access to my Internet since last Friday's night. I guess my CPU was struck down by lightning. I forgot to take out the telephone line and I pay dearly for my carelessness.
I can't always go to my friends' house just to use their computer and this Cyber Cafe are using, most of them are using dial-up connection and it took ages for anything to get loaded. I didn't get the chance to visit all my Recovery Friends' blog and I hope you will spread the words around about my predicaments whenever you visit them.
I'm reaching out for your help to tell them all. You can use My Sacred Links to visit and leave a message on their blogs.
I don't know when I shall be online again. Still waiting for their technician to repair my PC. I was told it may take at least two weeks before I shall be online again.
Oo boy, how can you live without your beloved PC for two long weeks?
Please Michael, I'm counting on you. See you in two weeks time. Bye for now...
That's AWESOME!!!! How is 7 months and 1 week treating you? : ) Keep on keepin' on!
Thanks for all of your supportive thoughts. It makes a difference!!
More importantly! Happy 7 motnths!!! Kudos to you.
Now for a little fun. You have been tagged, stop by my blog to see what you have to do.
7 months, such a sparkling miracle. Keep walking forward.
That is amazing. 7 months!!! You go with your bad sober self.
Happy weekend,
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