On old Cape Cod

I was on vacation last week in a beloved place, Cape Cod. I used to live there many years ago and never feel so relaxed as when I get to the beach there, stick my feet in the sand and go "ahhhh". It's also the scene of a lot of my drinking over the years and being back there sober was interesting. My friends there have toned it down some on the drinking so it was not too difficult to stay sober but I did miss the beers on the beach a little.
Above is the place where we kept our boat for the week. We boated to a sandy beach nearly every day. There was only one rainy day all week. We did go karts with the kids, went to Chatham to shop and see the seals on the beach, and got some clams. I ate lots of clams last week.
Today I am back to work but I am grateful for:
Many mornings of no hangovers
That I am blessed to be able to take vacations, particularly Cape Cod vacations
For sand, sea, and blue sky
For clams, fireworks, ice cream, old friends, and new friends
For a sober vacation
Cape cod is awesome!
If giving up a few beers on the beach is all it takes to have a great life, it's probably worth it.
Sounds like a great time!!
I haven't been to Cape Cod since I was a little kid. I remember waiting for the tide pools. I loved it there and would like to go back with my son one day.
Thanks for the pleasant reminder. I am glad you enjoyed it sober. New happy memories are the best.
We haven't done the Cape since before marriage. I think the traffic scares us. You've made it sound like we are missing something special. We're going to an island in Maine off of Bar Harbor in 2 weeks. Can't wait as it is very isolated, 1 small store the size of a one car garage I hear and nothing else. Looking forward to finding serenity there.
Wowsers looks like you have gotten to experience 2 different worlds. It seems like now you are experiencing a paradise that is so amazing.
I have not been to Cape Cod but I assure you that if and when I do I would want it to be thru your eyes today.
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