
I had my gall bladder removed on Monday and I've been recovering since. It was keyhole (laparascopic) surgery so my recovery is faster but my surgeon wasn't kidding that it's still major stomach surgery. Ouch, I've been sore. I've taken painkillers as prescribed and mostly they just made me sleep. Never was one to abuse narcotics; I liked the speedy drugs. Today, I just took Tylenol.
Tonight is my first outing--I plan to go to my women's Living Sober meeting. I won't stay the whole time if I don't feel up to it. However, I've missed my meetings this week.
Today I am grateful for:
Many mornings of no hangovers
That the pain I've had in my side for a number of years turned out to be my gall bladder and not liver damage from drinking
That the surgeon said my liver looked great
That things are quiet at work this week so I am able to rest and recover
Keepin' you in my prayers for a speedy recovery!
I'm grateful you're okay. Take care of yourself.
So happy to hear you're doing well. Take care of yourself.
Also nice to run across bloggers who are still here from my former blogging days.
Hope you are feeling good today.
Great to read your liver looks good!Keep taking good care of yourself Red and thanks for sharing.
Hi Redhead Gal!
This is my first visit here and as well as saying I am so glad that you are feeling well after your operation, I also want to say thankyou so much for your blog. I have just recently started out on my own journey of self improvement and have in the process realised that I have a problem with alcohol. I am home alone right now and sober for the first Friday night in ages and I just read your entire archive. Thankyou so much for documenting your experience - your trials and your successes - so honestly and for making me feel not so alone. I particularly understand your early desire for anonymity and the worry that you would never have fun again. Deep congratulations on your sobriety, my friend. You are an inspiration to me and I hope you don't mind that I will be back to visit you again. XXX
Congrats and thanks much for sharing that.
Now I know some good information.
I'd like to see you liver some day too.
Hey Redhead,wishing you a speedy recovery so you can get back to working your other recovery. My mom was a redhed. Buy some liver and send Daave a snapshot. He'll pee. Enjoy your womens meeting.
hey chica! you take it easy too... LOL I know I should listen to my own advise... oh well
How are ya? I think getting out of the house is the best medicine and be with others. keep taking care of yourself
Hey You. :-)
I wondered where you'd gone. I was having some privacy issues (if such a thing might exist in the blogosphere).
I hope your recovery is as speedy and as apinless as possible. I'd give you a hug but I wouldn't want to squash the sore bits!
Kenny .x.
Hi...Glad you are ok! Some day I will need to get that done. In the meantime my doctor tells me to stay away from the fatty foods like Fried Chicken etc. Well naturally I want fried chicken now!
So glad you are having hangover free mornings! Ain't life grande?!
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