Thursday, June 16, 2005


It's hard to find time to blog. How do you folks do it?

I'm still on track, day 46. Still taking Antabuse. Have some slippery thoughts occasionally, like today when I rsvp'd the summer outing. There will be drinking and I'd rather not go but this is a new job for me and I need to network a bit. My addictive self immediately told me I'll be more likable and fun if I have a few drinks so go off the Antabuse NOW! Fortunately, I'm able to laugh at the addictive voice. Stop taking the drug today so I can drink in two weeks? Nah, seems dumb.

Phyllis, I haven't made it to a meeting yet. I haven't really found a need to. I'm keeping close with my online recovery group and that seems to be doing the trick. I haven't really missed drinking in the last week or so. I resent the time I have to devote to going out to meetings and I am not very religious. I haven't rule it out as I know so many people get a lot out of meetings.

Other than trucking along staying sober, not much going on. End of school year activities like band concert (daughter did an awesome trumpet solo) and honors night (math award for daughter--she's the bomb at 12 and I'm so proud of her). Waiting for some more warm weather to come back to New England.

My birthday is Monday and with Father's day and some other family birthdays happening this month, we will have a celebration for it all on Sunday. (Shameless about getting birthday wishes am I, posting it on my blog.) I'm not worried about drinking. I've told my family that I quit.

Besides the Antabuse, the biggest change I've made this time around is telling people I have quit. Some people are shocked; all are supportive. Frankly, not a lot of people seem to care what's in my glass.

Anyway, I hope I will have a more interesting post soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on day 46. I am proud of you. That addictive voice is such a pain in the a** sometimes, but its nice when we can recognize it. Way to go girl, love ya

2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great job on 46 days. Keep up the good work.

6:13 AM  
Blogger Phyllis said...

46 days is good! I have 6,567 one day at a time. Tuesday will be my 18 year day.
I didn't go to a meeting until my second month, and really didn't think I needed them, but after awhile I found I needed the fellowship. I like to go there and see the new faces, and get the hugs!! Keep it up girl, and email me if ya need to just chat.

12:15 AM  

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