cravings and such
Thirteen month later and I still get cravings to drink. Not as strong and as often but there are times when I am definitely entertaining the notion. It doesn't help that my husband thinks I could have a drink now and then. He's sure I won't go back to the way I used to be. The man still doesn't get this disease...
I have not been working my program as well as I could lately and that may be part of the problem. I am going to step up my meetings for a while and get back into reading the AA books I have. I have a few that I haven't even read yet.
Today I am grateful for:
Not being hungover on Sunday mornings anymore
Not blacking out on Saturday nights
That I was in my swimming pool today after my workout on SEPTEMBER 23! This is a record for me. The pool's not heated.
For the first season of 24 which I watched doing my treadmill work out. I loved it.
P.S. Tab, the chicken pot pie recipe is from Cook's Illustrated and I will try to find it on line for you. It will take me forever to type out as it was a three hour affair.