Get Back In The Car

Last night, at my women's meeting, the topic turned to staying in the moment. A number of people shared their tricks or mantras for bringing themselves back to the moment when their minds wander off to worrying about things that might happen in the future. I really needed to hear these things as I have a terrible time of staying in the moment and I'm really trying to put my focus in the day. One of the benefits of this is that it slows time down in a way...I'm paying attention to NOW instead of fearing the future. Still, it's a chore. The minute I am out of bed my mind starts obsessing over things I have to do at work, worrying about my parents, etc.
So I really appreciated the mantra this one woman shared. She described how she does a lot of her thinking in the car when she's driving her kids here and there. When she finds her mind wandering off, she tells herself "Get back in the car!" She now uses this line even when she isn't in the car.
I've decided to adopt this one as my mantra too. I have to laugh though. Another woman had described the issue as "keeping your head where your feet are". This morning, as I was out for my morning walk, where my head starts to swim with all the things I have to attend to, I kept mixing the mantras up so it came out some thing like "Keep your feet in the car!!!"
Today I am grateful for:
Many months of sober hangover free days
My women's meeting and the wisdom that is shared there
The flock of wild turkeys that are roaming my walking route (22 babies, and three adults)
July in New England