Catching up from vacation

I've been back from vacation a week and haven't had time to catch up. Saw plenty of elk in the Canadian Rockies, although the ones I saw had no antlers. It was a great trip and I'm proud to say that despite some temptations, I had my 8 month anniversary out there. There were a number of partying types on the trip with us and in the old days, I would have been in the middle of that. I stayed away and enjoyed the skiing, shopping, and eating. Too much eating, I'm afraid.
Today I am grateful for:
Many hangover free mornings
Waking up sober from drinking dreams and feeling quite relieved
That while I didn't make a meeting while I was in Canada, there were meetings available to me
That spring is finally here in New England
Daffodils and forsythia are blooming like crazy
Walking my crazy dog in the woods