I am feeling squirrelly of late, having lots of drinking thoughts and drinking dreams. I don't know if it's connected to my upcoming one year in a few days or what. Certainly, the addictive voice likes to tell me that now that I've gone one year, of course, I can have the occasional red wine with dinner or Margarita. After all, it was white wine that gave me so much trouble...just stay away from that!
My head is a bad neighborhood lately and recovering from surgery has kept me in it too much. I've only gotten to a meeting and a half since surgery. I will get to one tonight. I am feeling much better now, though still a little weak if I sit in one place too long. I will be back at work tomorrow. My boys come home from camp this weekend. Life should get back to being busy and that helps me get out of this bad neighborhood.
Today I am grateful for:
Many mornings of waking up without a hangover. (This is so tops on my list!)
That I recovered well from the surgery, though a little slower than anticipated.
That when I get squirrelly I know what to do
That my Dad is doing really well lately. Saw him yesterday and he had the old spark in his eye.
For Ann Lamott, whose books I've been enjoying during my lay up
For a beautiful August day that I can enjoy before I head back to the office tomorrow.
Life is good.